
If i see the light



2 Years
12-05-2014, 01:28 PM

The more S'alkrie stayed the more she was realising how much she enjoyed the woman's company, was this best suited to the babes needs? A loyal and fight based pack? Perhaps the only way to find out was to stay and learn more about this place. As the fire pelt woman stepped closer to her, the placid woman couldn't help but tense, though she soon relaxed. Perhaps it was more out of instinct then feeling as though she's in constant danger, but its better to be safe then sorry. As the woman speaks Sals triangular ears would twitch briefly, a sigh slipping her silken lips. " No i'm not, but he had treated me just like any of his other children." If not better then some. S'alkrie would still carefully trace the womans features, the beauty just something she felt she couldn't get used to. Her colour was like no other the albino had ever seen before, and well, it was rather admiring. " Did you know him? He really wasn't as bad as wolves made him out to be, i mean, everyone has enemies, right?" So innocent and loyal she was, Her gaze would hungrily search hers, almost hoping she felt the same way. It brought a small frown thinking about how many enemies Isardis truly had.

A chuckle would slip freely from her lips, Jupiter was right though, it really was dangerous to live. " It Seems you like to flirt with the ropes of danger? I'm sure Isardis would have loved you." S'alkrie knew he liked plenty of women, but there was no denying he always had his favourites. " Your fascinating..." Voice like silk, and yet she'd let her words trail of, before continuing. " And if you have room for another in your ranks... then id love to join. Im sure a new beginning will be for the better." She would flick her tail against her heels, how long had Ludicael been going anyway? S'alkrie heard faintly about it when she was just a youth. " Ludicael.. is that your purpose in Alacritis, to see it grow and become powerful?"

image by Luisiana