
Dust in the grass[open]


05-27-2013, 07:07 AM

Esperance's blue eyes snapped open. She'd been napping under the sparse cover of a couple bushes. Her pelt allowed her to blend in to the dirt quite well, that was until her eyes were open. A small snarl of surprise could be heard from Esperance, for the light breeze had brought the scent of an unfamiliar wolf to her sensitive nose. Raising her head the woman would look around her, to spot the wolf a little ways away, far enough that she knew he hadn't spotted her but near enough to cause her to worry. Who was he? Esperance hadn't met many in the pack and was happy with it that way. Crawling from beneath her cover, Esperance would rise and then stretch out her mildly cramped form. Once she was finished the she wolf would turn her attention to the young male, should she approach him? She didn't really care if she met him either way and yet the lass seemed to be pulled towards him. Her curiosity would get the better of her for she chose to call out "You look lost." Sultry vocals were pitched to carry over the distance between them as the lady stood confidently near the bushes.