
Lets watch this city burn


12-05-2014, 07:58 PM

It had been a awhile since she had last laid eyes on Bass. So as a result, she found herself walking along the edge of his pack lands, occasionally stepping over the fine line and into his home. A smirk toyed with her lips as she moved, not caring if he found her or not. It wouldn't be the first time she had entered his home unwelcomed. But before, he had later come searching for her, seeking out a fight. However, things were a tad bit different now. Her sides swelled with pregnancy, much to her dismay. She knew that she probably should not be traveling in her condition, but she would be damned if she was going to sit at home while awaiting the little bastards arrival. Her head would tip back, her sweet voice filling the air as she summoned the King to her, if he wasnt already on his way to her. She would continue moving, listening to the sounds of rushing water as she weaved in and out of his home, dancing along the border without a care in the world.

"Burn Baby Burn"
