
The sweet sound of broken bells


12-05-2014, 08:54 PM

Those frosted eyes remained narrowed upon the male waiting and seeing what he had to say. He was here for a reason and she merely waited for him to speak; he did so and asked what it took to join the pack. At this point there was nothing required to join the pack, save for having a strong stomach, a darker aligned side and well was more then willing to be loyal and obey her every command. But the women didn't speak of such things, no, although it was now falling under a darker rule it didn't mean those of the a more lighter alignment couldn't join them. "Currently, it takes nothing. But you will be watched and sharply." The words were lightly spoken but had a fine edge to them as they left that maw.

"Interested in me? My, young brute you have much to learn." The demoness said with a soft growl, a bit annoyed perhaps, but she was more then a little grumpy. Just what was he interested in her for? Did he only seek one thing and that was it? What use was he to her?