
One in the same


12-05-2014, 10:06 PM

Her glare did not go unnoticed. Even as he closed the distance between them, she continued to glare. Her growl quickly urned onto a moan as he pressed against her. The sound only fueled his desire, made him bolder. She would press into his side, arching her back into his touch. She would look up at him, her gaze pleading with him to give into their desires. But she hadn't spoken a word. A devilish grin would curl his lips. She had been so angry with him, yet now she was so willing. But that hadn't changed the fact that he wanted to hear exactly what she wanted. Say it. He would murmur softly into her ear, demanding to know what she wanted. An odd sense of control swept through him. She craved his touch and he knew it, he was steadily unraveling her control. Yet he wanted more. His would grip her scruff, jaws flexing against her flesh gently. He would crane his neck, pulling at her skin as he rose to all over fours, towering over her tiny frame. His desire hung heavily around him, demanding to be sated. But he grasped at the control he had, feeling as though for once, he was in control of what happened in his life. It was a high unlike any other. A low growl vibrated in his growl that steadily turned into a groan as he inhaled her scent.
