
Louder Than Thunder


12-05-2014, 10:41 PM
Snow had begun to fall, a scene fitting that of her heart. The world was such a cold place, so barren. The woman's heart was so low in her chest. How she wondered how simple it might be, how simple it would be to fade into the world and be buried in the snow. She would swallow, laying there, growing colder, with no will to leave. What was there left for her? What was there that was keeping her in this world?

Just as the thought came to her mind she would hear the quiet, warm call. One who called her name, and one she knew well enough. Destruction would open her single orb, seeing the tri-colored gentleman come close. He would come close, offering comfort. Destruction wasn't sure if she would be pushed away, nor in her current state of mind did she care right now. She wanted to be close to someone. Wanted to know warmth... the warmth and company of another again.

"Deviant..." His name was a cracked whine. She would lean on him, ears lowered still against her head, as she squeezed her good eye close.  "Oh gods Deviant I... I don't know what I'm doing anymore... what I should do... I feel like I'm fading away..." The night she shared with him, as well as their other brief daytime encounters, were enough for her to put her trust in this man.