
Louder Than Thunder



8 Years
Extra large
12-05-2014, 11:00 PM

Ears folded at her voice, his throat tightening to hear her in such a way. Something was very wrong, eating at her insides, something he had felt not very long ago before arriving in these lands even if he didn't know what was causing it just yet. And so he would let the woman lean on him, his head leaning over her own, wrapping his warm neck over her. It was what she needed right now, that he could no deny. Destruction was giving herself to him in a way that screamed that she trusted him, seeking his comfort. She told him that she didn't know what she was doing anymore, what she should do, felt like she was fading away.

Deviant lay a paw over her own, moving his head very gently from left to right in a short rub. “You are not fading Destruction.” She spoke quietly, small puffs of vapor forming in the air. “What happened my friend, what is making you think like this?” He questioned, removing his head from off her, placing it beneath her chin to lift her head. His golden eyes sought her single red orb, head puling back so he could get a look at her.

Snow was collecting on their pelts, making Destruction look like she had a thin blanket over her frame, as did he. He lifted his skull to see how much time they had left in the day, not wanting to be out here too long once night rolled in. The sky was darkening, allowing enough light to where the two could see each other clearly, but with the trees around them there was many shadows cast around them. As much as he thought it was fitting, the man didn't like that it looked like her mood was setting the land like this. It was eerie, like something old was being buried away. The thought made him look back to the woman beside him, keeping his paw over hers. “I am here for you.”

"normal. speech. thought. you."