



8 Years
Extra large
12-05-2014, 11:11 PM
Name: Soubi

Gender: Female

Lineart: 6

Appearance:  (will add more if requested)
25 inches & 60 pounds (runt)

Probably the complete opposite of her parents, Soubi will be very quiet and timid when it comes to things outside of her family. Even with her parents and siblings she would be the last one to do something or join in the fun, always looking over her shoulder as if something will come to snatch her up for being so small. She needs encouragement, as well as somebody to do something before she does in order to make her comfortable/safe enough to follow behind. Very naive and gullible, since she is always so timid about things, and only knows what people tell her and often believes it to the core, she can be easily manipulated or brain washed into believing anything you say. Accident prone, she will be clumsy and often finds herself in sticky situations because she doesn't realize what is going on until it is too late. When she does try to help people out she doesn't seem to do too good, whether its trying to help a friend or family out and accidentally blurts out a secret or rats them out. It isn't from ill intentions, she just doesn't realize what she is doing to help is actually just making people made. As she ages, Soubi will build up some courage and is less timid, naive and gullible. She will use her experiences to learn and improve herself, and since she has suffered from colds for most of her life and accidents she will learn about herbs for both herself, mainly, and to help her pack mates. Helpful and supportive to those around her, she will be playful and very friendly to family and friends, but when it comes to strangers she is very cautious and often looks like she will flee at any second. Because of her personality since she was young, Soubi will stick with those she has known since a child, not the adventurous or curious type of girl.

Family Relations: Not sure what you mean xD

Future Plans: To have bad things happen and to learn from those experiences. To become a mini-version of her big sister role model. :3

Other: x