
take me or leave me, it's all the same to me.


05-27-2013, 10:31 AM

Pain, it sang a song so lovely she could almost yearn to know it. Perhaps the master of that call hadn?t known that she knew those lyrics well. It was only a gesture, a soft caress against her ear. She closed her eyes and drew in a deep steadying breath. Kaios had inflicted a decent amount of damage in their last encounter. She had demanded he have her and he had done so just as she desired. Blood still caked her coat from their brutal loving and she denied herself the chance to clean the wounds. If she was honest with herself then she would know she was wearing them like a badge of honor. Her tail flicked lazily behind her as she allowed a soft huff to escape her lips and carry her behemoth frame towards the beckoning call.

She was swift in her approach. The shadows seemed to bend and twist to their masters will. It as all illusions but she had mastered them long ago. It was as if one moment nothing stood before the stranger and another had passed and her she was. She was largest wolf in the entire realm. A monster among monsters and the well known queen slayer.

Violet eyes transcended down towards the unknown male. Their stair was calculating, evaluating, as they drank in every inch of the wolf before her. So, a wound half grave was inflicting this male. She wondered what it felt like to be missing a part of her. She almost laughed at her own thought. She was missing a part, her mind, they all knew she was mad and she was happy to be so. ?So, wandering in the shadows is a wolf looking to prove his worth?? she asked, her head tilting every so slightly to the right. She was ever a sight to behold. Her coat was as soft as gray storm clouds. It held an odd shade of violet, like crushed velvet, giving her the illusion of being partially purple. It was the pigment in her skin that made her coat seem violet. All her children had inherited it and she couldn?t help but admire the oddity of it all.

This place was for the neutral. Those that wanted to be something more and prove they were worth fighting for. She had a soft spot for those in need but she wouldn?t dare show it. ?Don?t think I haven?t noticed what you?re lacking. Do you know what you can make up for your faults?? she asked, she wanted to know what he thought he was worth. She could work with oddities. She did better with them then the normal and perhaps she could be his rising. She could be his savior as she had been for many broken minds.