
Sending my love on a wire


12-06-2014, 01:09 AM

The look she gave the silver male was more of a questioning one, rather then that of a mocking or harmful; luckily enough for him. Though by reading his face, she could tell something was off. He was faking something, that tail flicked slightly. It was tempting to call him out on such a thing, even strike out at him but Morgana wouldn't. At least this time. "So I see." A simple remark as that head reach down only to pick up the rabbit, glancing at him as she turned back towards the mines and into them. They needed to do a hunt, to store more meat for the winter. She wasn't going to have them poorly prepared.

Once within her den, she lay down and began on the rabbit. Her thoughts else where, including on the male. Debating and determining what must be done. A lot did, alliances or neutral standings had to be formed. As it was, she had to speak to Arian to find out what alliances or any neutrality this pack may have held with those around them.