
misery loves company [othello]



8 Years
12-06-2014, 02:20 AM

Othello did not expect the emotion that fell on this quiet moment, her heart beat pounding in her chest as the woman sobbed into her fur. Her muffled words came out, saying that she didn't want the little devils that were growing within her. Blinking those large purple eyes she bent down, licking the top of the tan girl's head. "Shh, my little fawn. Its okay." She said softly between licks, nuzzling Isolde's neck to try to bring her head up. She wanted to see her face as she spoke these next words. "Do you really want to end the little lives that grow within you now? They are innocent children, Isolde. They have no names and no thoughts, they are just little beans." Her voice had a level of sternness to it, trying to get though to the spotted one. "Just imagine their little faces, looking up to you. They are depended on you to protect and feed them, just as I shall fight to protect and feed you." Since it seemed that Sol wasn't s big help, she would take Isolde in and comfort her.

Othello sighed, her ears pulling back to her white head. "I didn't want my children when I first found out either. But I went though and have them, and being a mother was the best thing in the world. Their little cries, the little puppy breath. Sure they can be little shits, and they might end up breaking your heart," she paused there, having to fight back her own tears, "But I would not change time to take them back. I will always be their mother, no matter what happens to them. You have to step up to the plate my dear, and I will be here the entire ride, okay?"
