
Fancy meeting you here



7 Years
12-06-2014, 03:29 AM
In her mind the tables were turned. She feared that once winter was over and done, that she would hold no attraction to the male. Rejection should be her middle name, she was not untouched by its painful claws. Little did she know that he was thinking the same, that he was worried that she was using him. Ha, it would be laughable of she knew. Ekko was and always will be a slave. She didn't know how to function as a normal never of society. Without someone to tell her to do something, she was just another useless mouth that needed to be fed. But with Colten it was different, he made her feel, something that was new to her little frame. She had been numb for so long, only now was her spirit coming alive.

As Ekko desperately sought his touch, he chuckled and nibbled at her scruff. Toes curled into the earth at the feel of his teeth against her, a simple nod moving her head. Hell yeah she was eager, she was a tickling time bomb for goodness sake. It was so easy to forget his age and she sought his attention like this, none of it mattered. Swallowing hard she leaned her head against him, looking up at those big green eyes. He was being rude, not touching her and just peering down. Eyes narrowed slightly as she boldly met his gaze, slight irritation making her neck itch. She didn't want to play games, but she would follow whatever he said or did. She was jn no way a domineering sort, quite the opposite actually. It all rested on his bulky shoulders, as much as she may hate it.
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