
HIT me with your best SHOT


05-27-2013, 01:08 PM

On his back wasn't exactly the position he wanted to be in, but he would have to make the best of it. Paws continued to serpentine around his delicate undersides in attempt to deflect any attacks that might target that area. It was only acceptable for Frino to attack there, though Maverick hoped he might hold back if he did. The underside of a wolf was far less protected than the dorsal side and would not hold an attack as well as his back could. Lime eyes sought teal in an attempt to stare down the opponent, but it was too late. The boy flinched slightly as Frino's jaws snapped shut momentarily upon a single russet front leg. From the stinging sensation in his right, he would assume that it was the affected limb. Incisors would part and release the limb from the attacker's jaws as Maverick drew the bleeding leg closer to his frame. Puncture wounds formed two nearly-parallel lines on the front and back of his leg. With a growl he watched Frino retreat slightly, giving him just enough time to stagger to his paws, right front limb held slightly above the ground in hopes of lessening the pain. Jaws clicked shut as he tried to calculate just what would be an appropriate move. Drawing his head down in line with his spine, his ears would remain flat against his skull as once more the prince rushed at the man. Pain ebbed in his wounded leg as paws furiously drummed against the earth, carrying him to the right (Frino's left) in an attempt to wound the already injured shoulder a bit further. Jaws would fly open, snaking for the bleeding shoulder in hopes of finding purchase or otherwise casing Frino to shy away from the blow.

Round 4 : 4

Attacks: Jaws seeking Frino's previously injured left shoulder.

Defenses: Head in line with spine, jaws open, ears pinned.

Injuries: Two lines of puncture wounds on his right front limb, bruising on his right shoulder, bruising on the left side of his ribcage, gash on jawline, two vertical lacerations on chest near breastbone.
