
Take Me Away To The Dark Side


12-06-2014, 04:25 AM

Beauty is not so easily discovered in the shadows of darkness, where light cannot press upon the world with it's long and delicate fingers there are creatures best unseen by the naked eye.  Hideous monsters of pain filled nightmares, terrors which lurk and slink and bay in the shadows.  It is not peace which takes refuge where no-one might find it, it is the heinous, sinful and unGodly.  It is fear enraptured in anguish, hatred caressed by the clawed fingers of rejection and self-loathing.  That is what the darkness keeps.  Secrets.

He sits with a ridged back, his head tilted to the side.  The right, earless side of his face is covered with slick mud, hardened into what can only be described as a mask.  The left is free to feel the air, he had been stopped in his tracks.  The sound of paws on the hard ground startled him into stillness, this phantom in the shadows.  The soft click of canine claws fill his one ear, hearing hyper-sensitive to avoid detection when it was not wanted - it was rarely ever wanted.

Purple eyes mapped the surroundings, picked out the shapes and shadows with the skill of one who never steps from the darkness.  His jaws part and he inhales her, draws in her scent and claims her in that moment.  Holds the memory of her in the recesses of his mind and with breath barely audible, watches.

As she draws nearer to him, he backs toward the hard wall of the cave, lifts himself to stand and ascends the harsh sloping rocks.  Now, safely above her, he waits.  Patience holds him still as she tentatively explores, who is this woman come to trespass upon his place?  His shadow, his eternal impenetrable darkness, his refuge.  "What are you doing here?"  His voice booms from his jaws, reverberating from every corner of the cavern until it appears he is everywhere at once.
