
Gotta get herself away



3 Years
12-06-2014, 06:24 AM
Sorrel was a strange case. He adored his immediate family, hated the idea of the odd occasions he lost them and yet could do without the other Destructions around him in Threar. They could still live of course, just why on earth did it have to be around him? It was too crowded, he wanted space and every time he thought he had it something had to prove him very wrong.

The last occasion of this had most certainly been the worst. Not only had he suddenly been torn away from the privacy of his own den, forced to share a space with not one or two wolves but the entire pack and a stubborn owl that still refused to leave him permanently. He'd gotten used to Ellingham somewhat now, would tolerate the company of the owl though he still and not so secretly had been fonder of the days he'd spent alone.

At this moment in time he would be sorting through the small collection of herbs that he and Ellingham had recently gathered, the owl was rather helpful for that, he could understand somewhat now his mother's attachment to Atlas, though the barn owl had of course been present all of Sorrel's life, was practically another member of the family whilst Ellingham was still very much a bit of an annoyance.

"That call is for you too Sorrel" The owl would rather irritatingly remind him. The boy had been hoping to avoid the summons and continue with the matter at hand. "You should go and see what it's about. I'll stay here and wait." Oh goody, yes he wanted the owl to wait for him. Couldn't Ellingham go instead and deal with the wolves, everyone else had warmed up to the bird far swifter than Sorrel himself, it was a wonder that he'd stuck around at all to keep the solitary wolf company.

Sorrel would begrudgingly obey the bird in the end, knowing that he wouldn't here the end of it if he avoided attending. Much to his chagrin however as he finally arrived at the meeting only his aunt, uncle and two of his cousins were present. Whilst he had formed a bond of sorts with Novel, the fellow healer helping him learn, the same could not be said for the rest of his cousins. Silently he would come to a stop, standing slightly away from the gathered group and await awkwardly for others to arrive.