
Because I Love You



11 Years
12-06-2014, 01:26 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 02:39 PM by Bane.)
Bane's blind gaze looked at his wife, her murmurs and coos and other satisfied noises playing over in his head while laying atop his mate. The firm press of her paws on his chest as she was further excited by his teasing actions. His question didn't really need an answer. To busy with tending the needs of her season and satisfying the burn. But he kept his ears open as she spoke her reasons, simple as they were. A part of him felt like he already knew the answer but it nevertheless felt good to hear even after so many years together. But she continued, going somewhere different with this. Her legs finding their way behind his shoulders as he settled more on her.

The tone of her voice changing, the feeling of Tahlia's nips trace along his chin to the corner of his jaw causing his whole body to start tingling. Even as he felt her lips against his, Bane couldn't help but press his muzzle against hers. A slight intrusion of his tongue. "And a poor husband I would be if I," Bane gripped her sides and used her as a counterweight while he rolled onto his back. "couldn't satisfy you." The old wolf finished, shoulders wriggling into the dirt of the shore. His head tilted back, blind eye giving a slow blink, forelegs gingerly moving along her shoulders to firmly grip her sides.

A noticeable emulation of how she always held him when they broke away from the traditional way. Bane hoped Tahlia would catch the subtle gesture. The comfortable and exciting weight of his wife now laying atop him as he readily surrendering the lead of their second rendezvous to her. And just like the river next to them the seamless passion of the two wolves managed to match its flow.