
Panic Cord



3 Years
12-06-2014, 04:47 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 04:48 PM by Soliloquy.)
Soliloquy had taken Scorpion's words in perhaps the wrong way. Monogamy wasn't a trait that his brother had ever set a great example for though surely the white man could have realised that there was still time for any other woman for those occasions he wandered away for a break it was his precious private moments with his dear Isolde that would be running out. Once the children were here would they ever know peaceful moments like they'd once shared ever again? Unlikely. It was even more unlikely that they would if he carried along on this path they currently travelled, Soliloquy abandoning her in her time of need. He was scared, he should have realised that Isolde was terrified too.

Unfortunately though emotions weren't really things that Soliloquy wore upon his sleeve. He guarded them carefully and had never really revealed much about himself to anyone. It was perhaps only Scorpion that he had ever opened up to though even their talks were hardly soppy heart-to-hearts. He was a very private individual and perhaps that was why he ran to escape now rather than dare to share his time with Isolde.

He'd have to have been blind though not to notice how different she had become as of late. The few trips he had taken back to the range to check on her and Scorpion hadn't been for long of course though the spark between them had well and truly extinguished. He knew not she was seeking comforts from another of course though their own moments together seemed so awkward and pained.

How could he change that? He may not have been a one woman man though he did care for Isolde, perhaps one day he would care for their children too though that thought was certainly not one that entered his mind. Though they were not married and Soliloquy certainly had no plans for such commitments, she was still his and he wished for it to remain that way. He wasn't sure to be honest but that evening he made his way back to the range, finding himself wanting her by his side now.

He'd call her from the orchard, hoping that she would be able to hear his summons. Perhaps the more gentlemanly thing to do would have been to go to her but at least he had acknowledged the fact that she had liked the orchard, and this had been the last place they'd visited away from the range together. Now all that was left to do was sit and wait for her to arrive.