
Panic Cord



3 Years
12-06-2014, 05:39 PM
Would she come? A more humble being may have had their doubts though Soliloquy stood there waiting, eyes fixed on the distance as the sun lowered, waiting for her figure to appear. It wasn't long before only the moon hung in the sky, casting a pale glow over the cold lands and yet still he waited, frozen to the spot unsure if it he was convinced he'd soon see her or simply hopeful.

Fate was on his side even if Isolde's heart was not it seemed, there she was moving towards him now. She had grown larger in their recent time apart, the children within her growing rather well apparently. The distance between them had grown too, where once perhaps they would have rushed up with affectionate greetings she would pause out of reach and he would be surprised to find her gaze would meet him.

Though he had brought her here, Soliloquy honestly had no idea what he actually wished to say to her and with Isolde focussed on trying to keep some self-respect about her the silence simply dragged on. Who would be the one to eventually break it, to close the physical distance between them that honestly pained the white male.

"Isolde..." He would murmur her name softly as he began to move forwards, eager to close some of that space between them. Was that guilt in his gaze as he watched her now, longing for this to end? As much as he feared and despised the idea of having children he was finding that he hated the idea of losing her even more. He had certainly grown attached to the russet beauty, it was too big a leap to say love nor was he capable of really seriously using that word either.