
To condemn a man


12-06-2014, 10:10 PM

The demoness would wait, awaiting a response from the boy. Yet what he said caused that ead to tittle slightly, so he spoke french. "Eh bien, est -ce pas intéressant." The women purred freely, speaking her native tongue. The one her family had upheld throughout the generations in their own lands; their roots were deeply set in the lands as were their traditions and culture. To find one outside of it was a rare thing indeed, much less once that spoke french such as she.

But Morgana knew not to remain in such a tongue for long, for it would undoubtedly confuse the other poor fellow here. A pity, she missed speaking her native language as freely as she had done so once before. However it seemed her appearance had put the other male on edge. Good, he was right to fear her and yet she wasn't quite giving him a reason to do so. "While I would normally disagree, I do have to agree with him." The demoness spoke softly but slightly pointed her muzzle towards the russet man. The women wondered what the rogue's response would be. "But neither am I here to play games." Normally Morgana would be more then willing, but in heat and grouchy as all hell, she was doing her best to be nice. There was a very thin line between being nice and just outright force claiming him on the spot. Still, the women refused to take a seat, she wanted to do what business that needed to be done and to get out of here. Not take all day.