
shelter to my soul { birthing thread


12-06-2014, 11:51 PM
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Several weeks had past, and her stomach had enlarged to the point where she couldn't get to sleep at night. She refused to eat, she was constantly vomiting and growing sick, and the little demons inside her were squirming around a ton. They'd even force little waves of pain upon her, sometimes. It had caused her to grow even more nervous and anxious of everything going on. She wanted to have Bass close to her even more, and her moodswings were becoming even worse day by day. No, minute by minute. Of course, she was guilty for being so rude and aggressive. But she couldn't help it! Her whole self, at this point, was like a time bomb, ready to explode at any second!

But today, she had found strange peace that had been very scarce ever since the signs of pregnancy hit her. Bass, apparently, was out doing something with himself. Maybe, talking to someone? Meeting up with a friend? She hoped he wasn't too far away, either way. But, like every day, she was in their den. Lying down, watching the cloudy sky from below, waiting for her husband to return home with some food. But, she'd throw it up anyway, right? There was really no point.

The snow that was falling from the sky was completely silent, and it was gentle. Everything around the den was completely silent. No birds singing, no sound of bugs, not even the sound of the wind. Just her quiet breathing, and the snow that fell outside. It was really peaceful. She finally felt like maybe today she'd finally be able to relax completely. Maybe even take a nap! But, these thoughts soon faded, as a horrific pain rattled through her body. Wren gasped and leaned upward, eyes widening. At first, she thought it was just another one of those "occasional pangs of pain" that she felt. But it happened again, forcing even more pain upon her. The dame parted her jaws and released a loud whine, breathes becoming heavy and rapid. It was happening, it was happening. She was giving birth, and at the same time, she was panicking.

For the first few moments of sitting there, overwhelmed by horrific pain, she didn't know what to do. She felt completely helpless. But the thought of her husband quickly flickered into mind, and she almost immediately yelled out, "B-Bass!" It took her a while to collect at least a portion her thoughts after beginning to panic. Once she did, though, she began to push weakly, eyes rolling shut and brows furrowing. Even with her effort, Wren was really too panicked and shocked to truly push with all her strength. So for the most part, until she completely relaxed herself, it was no use. At least it wasn't for now. The woman tried to call out Bass' name again, while continuing to weakly try and push, pained whines leaving her throat desperately. What was she supposed to do alone at this point?

"Burn Baby Burn"