
Get It In Gear, Sec! {Fight Training / Instruction}

Eirik I


3 Years
12-07-2014, 01:55 AM
Walk | Talk | Think
Eirik had been waiting. As a Guard of Secretua, he needed to be on top of his game and stay fit, stay alert, so that he could be ready to defend the place should he find trouble along the border during a patrol or should someone try to break in unannounced. Doing so on his own was a tiresome and boring process, one that usually ended up with him quitting early because of a lack in self-discipline and drive. Fighting was not his calling, no matter how much his father wanted it to be, but without knowing what truly called to him he knew he needed to suck it up and work hard to appease his father's strict orders and expectations. So as soon as he knew there was going to be a training session he was alert and ready. 

He had never gone through any formal training before - the few lessons his father had tried to teach him did not in his mind count - and while he was nervous about messing up, about failing and proving himself to be worthless, the pale grey youth was still excited. He knew nothing of what to expect, of how it would be, and he was eager to learn everything that could be taught to him. Even if he did not find it in him to actively go out looking for a means to prove his worth as a Guard, Eirik was still an eager pupil. 

No time was wasted after the call for Secretua went up. He set off quickly, for once punctually, and arrived in good time. To his surprise no others had yet arrived, and though it meant he was actually doing something right this time it still made him feel odd. He padded swiftly over to the ragged, petite little wolf who had volunteered for the job, the single mother Akemi who was, as always, joined by her itty bitty friend. Eirik smiled at the both of them, friendly though the fact that he was actually here ready to experience his first proper lesson was making his anxiety slowly rise. "Hi again," he greeted with a nod toward the little wolf and Tiny, stopping nearby and glancing about in nervous anticipation for things to begin.