


05-27-2013, 04:36 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

Seraph couldn't help but grin at the pup nodding fervently as his words. He was glad he had been able to teach her a little lesson, and only hoped her child mind would retain it long enough for it to be of use. The world was a scary and dangerous place, one could never be too prepared.

A chuckle escaped him as the small wolf stuck her tongue out at him. A secret mission, huh? He remembered when his childhood had been the same, before his training had begun. He used to go out on adventures with his siblings and was always the one protecting and helping his sister when she tagged along. He longed to know how she was doing ruling the pack, if she had a new family, how his family felt about her position.

If you're looking for something pretty for your mother, I might know just the thing, he said quietly, dipping his head down beside the pup as she crouched low to the ground. Over by the water where I was resting a while ago, I think I saw some colorful flowers. He gestured with his head toward the spot he had been in before she came crashing out of the trees into his leg. He hoped she didn't mind him trying to help her out. The presence of a child was comforting to him, and made him forget his darker self for a while.

Tagged: Seraphine(no name) | Word Count: 240