
Panic Cord



3 Years
12-07-2014, 04:00 AM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2014, 04:01 AM by Soliloquy.)
As well as never having been in this sort of mess before at all, Soliloquy had never seen Isolde angry before. She of course had every right to be and yet Soliloquy was momentarily stunned. So it wasn't the scariest display of anger he'd ever seen but the fact that it had come from his dearest Isolde and was aimed his direction simply didn't sit well with the white male. And then, before he could respond or even think of what to say next she was starting to leave.

He leapt into action now at that point, springing off and easily overtaking her stopping in front of her to block her path. Likely not the greatest move to do to calm down an already irritated pregnant woman but clearly Soliloquy was completely clueless as to what he should be doing. Maybe he should have gone running back to his brother for help first on this one but for perhaps the first time he was on his own left thinking with his own mind. Poor sod, it really wasn't going so well.

"Don't leave." It was hardly a fair thing for him to ask of her given that the hypocrite had left too many times now over the course of Isolde's pregnancy. He would try to meet her gaze though, with perhaps the most genuine example of emotions he'd ever displayed now shining in those yellow eyes of his. Even if he couldn't say it, he was sorry he didn't like this situation one bit. What was in her eyes? Pain and lack of hope? He couldn't read it properly to be honest, though he could certainly tell something wasn't right with her and he figured it was more than simply the pregnancy.

"Don't leave." He repeated the words, softer now and decided to abuse the fact that in stopping her he'd brought them close enough to touch. He extended his head that little, bringing his muzzle to hers to nuzzle her gently. He had never been good with words.