
white noise. {jupiter}

Jupiter I


7 Years
12-07-2014, 10:56 AM
She nods solemnly at Epiphron's affirmation, features changing to allow a soft smile at the playful words that follow. For a moment she loses herself in the nostalgia of it all, dial tilting upwards to gaze at the mangrove canopy stretched above them with a fondness unmatched for a long moment.

Audits flicks at the mention of a siege, brow furrowing with thought. An event that happened in her absence, perhaps? Mind draws blanks at a siege other than the one foiled by cowardice. She wonders quietly as to the identity of the 'northerners' and briefly wonders if Isardis still ruled during that time. Head turns sympathetically as she mentions the death of Seracia and wonders as to the fate of Gerhardt. He'd been scarce before the phoenix had departed in her illness.

"The pack was practically dead when I took it," she murmurs, bitterness lacing her tone. "Didn't seem like it was very active." Scent markers had been dull and faded in the territory they had moved it to. "They'd changed the name to 'Sawtooth'--" Nose crinkles as she says it, showing her obvious disdain for how unfitting the name was. "--and moved it away from its heart. Here." Weight shifts as she gazes around at their surroundings quietly for a moment. "I challenged and only Song--the one who had taken the pack after me, the one who I had fought for for years and the one that didn't come to look for me when I was sick--answered. And she tried to give it to me."

Jupiter pauses here, seeking Epiphron's eyes to gauge her reaction. "I'm sick of nobody fighting for what they care about. So I took them." Body turns half-away to gesture to the mangroves. "All of them. They're all here, somewhere. Prisoner." The corners of her lips twitch. "All they'd have to do is attempt to fight me for their freedom. Show that they care. But I haven't seen hide nor hair of over half of them since I took Ludicael." She chuckles darkly. "So if they care so little about their freedom, I'll watch it for them."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.