
all the blood that i will bleed

Vesta I


1 Year
12-07-2014, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2014, 06:20 PM by Vesta I.)
(Language warning)
The fact was, Vesta was at a loss for words and that never happened. She felt open and exposed but she soon planned on remedying that fact. She stood there in the Pine woods she felt comfortable in and called for her new King who had some explaining to do himself. She still didn't believe that Drashiel was her uncle but how could she not think so when evidence was laid before her by Roman herself. He was Roman's king and that made him an Armada... right? Regardless, she would be the judge of if he was worth it or not. The pure white femme sat there in the snow, holding her head high and flashing off her daringly similar personality to her father.

Who was he to think he could barge into her home time and time again and save her life? He only saved her life once but with him being the King of the pack, she couldn't take the risk of owing him like that again. In fact, she still owed him for saving her the first time. It was irritating as fuck but there was nothing she could do about it. She would have to fix that fact or else it would haunt her. More than that, she needed answers. How was it that he knew her mother by name and her father the same?