
I can see your HALO (Pan)


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
12-07-2014, 11:51 AM

Stars are only visible in darkness ,
Fear is ever-changing and evolving.

He had been watching over her while she slept, her bodice twitching at times in her dreams. Fendar's lips turned up into a smirk as he rested his head on her shoulders, metallic eyes lingering on the sky outside. It began to grow a navy blue as the sun started to rise, and very carefully he pulled himself away from Pandora, trying not to wake her. Surely she would like to eat, so since he wasn't sleeping be might as well go out and be useful. Glancing at her over his shoulders, he stretched his limbs and slipped out of the den. Since it was growing lighter it was easier to see the area around the den, the pile of leaves that he had swept out last night to the left of him. Sniffing at them to see if someone had made them a home, he moved on when nothing reached him. Winter was a hard enough time to find food, he would be a fool to pass up an easy meal right by the den.

Fendar ended up having to roam a bit further than he would have liked until the scent of a rabbit hutch tickled his senses. Rabbits seemed to be the only creature around, and since the sun was just starting to peek up over the horizon he doubted that they were awake yet. Shoving his nose into the burrow he smelled two rabbits, no kits around it seemed. Digging the hole bigger, he kept sticking his nose in to make sure that they wouldn't sneak out another burrow hole. Looks like he was good to check, because as he stuck his nose in he saw two white shapes dart out of the earth. Barking, he chased after them, having to duck and dive around fallen logs and thick snow banks. It was easier for the rabbits to race across the snow, but since Fendar was so large he kept sinking into the deepest parts of the snow. No matter how quickly he bounded after them, they got away. Growling, he turned around and started to look for another meal.

By the time he had returned to the den, a lanky rabbit in his jaws, the sun was fully showing now. He gazed into the den, trying to shake as much snow off of him as possible. Smirking, he dropped the prey down, and crawled up close to the form of Pandora. Stretching out his front right paw, he placed the very cold pad on her face. Sure, it wasn't the nicest way to wake her up, but he had caught her breakfast. "Rise and shine princess," he murmured, bending down to nuzzle his cold face into her scruff. "I have a little treat for you."

Fendar Xanilov