
Panic Cord



4 Years
12-07-2014, 12:43 PM
She hadn't wanted to let him see her cry but there it was, happing more easily than she thought it would have. Sniffling she'd use her dark paws to wipe at the escaping liquid, her gaze avoiding Soliloquy as she did so. She wouldn't see the stunned expression, but would hear his pitiful excuse. He didn't see that it wasn't that he left, more of his timing and how long he'd stayed away. Though his next words were even worse, how did he not mean to just leave her? Her tears would dry as she narrowed her gaze and watched him, wondering if he'd ever be able to turn himself around.

Though she'd feel herself softening slightly at his confession of being unable to handle everything. They would share a common emotion on that ground at least. Still, he shouldn't have run off to do god knows what. She needed him with her. He'd go on, a rushed statement about their home and being together. Dark ears would fall to her head. Was she ready to take him back so quickly, did she really want him there?

The answer was yes, she knew deep down that their babies needed a father. No matter how screwed up his head seemed to be. Another sigh would leave her lips as she looked back up at him through her long lashes. "You have to be there Sol,"
she'd say quietly, "You have to be able to provide for me, for them." Her voice would take on an almost pleading tone. "We can go back together, but I don't feel like I'm ready to share a den again." He lost that privilege. "Prove that you will be here for me." A final statement would be given, she didn't know how he was going to do it but she figured only time would show his true intentions.