
shelter to my soul { birthing thread



13+ Years

Treat 2019
12-07-2014, 01:43 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2014, 01:48 PM by Rhythm.)
The girl would watch, though she'd start to feel almost useless as the pups were placed easily at Wren's stomach. They would latch on beautifully and Rhythm's job would soon be over. Really she should have left the den, leaving her brother and wife to their new family but she couldn't bring herself to go just yet. Though she wished for it not to that jealous feeling would rise again as she took in a deep breath and tried to dissipate it. Bass had chosen Wren as his mate, she was what his world should revolve around now not her or their siblings. They'd created a new family and Rhythm was going to have to get used to the idea that her brother would have much more important obligations than her.

She would keep quiet, still debating about taking her leave, as four little children would be named expertly by their parents. She wouldn't have been able to have found names any more perfect. A soft smile would light up her features, Bass wanted her to name the last pup? "They're perfect Bass, hmm.. how does Lark sound?" She'd ask as she felt an itch to get out of his hair. He'd allowed her to take part in naming them, but she would not overstay her welcome. Oh how she wished she could run to Motif in that moment, even though this birth had been so different she still found the emotions were difficult to contain. She didn't feel any loss, but longing instead. "I... I should probably get going though, give you some time to admire your new family." Her voice was quiet, barely hiding her feelings as she started backing out the den, "Let me know if you need anything else, Bass." She'd offer as she slipped from the den, unable to even wait for a goodbye as she lost the little control she had over her feelings.