
Demons Never Die [Meeting]


05-27-2013, 05:51 PM

Valhalla seemed to be swallowed in a dark cloud as the wolves gathered in force. Many faces gave away the fact that they were not quite settled. Not everyone was here. Not all knew the familiar call of the former alpha, surely that was the only reasoning.

Soleil shifted her weight as she knew she was only lying to herself. All was not well in Valhalla and Cairo calling this meeting was evidence of that. If that was not evidence enough, Collision failed to appear. All hopes of any surprising her mate at her public appearance were out the window.

Cairo was speaking now. His words punching a hole into the white female's gut. Valhalla not a home? She hated to hear it but more and more it was feeling just like that. Soleil was not an old wolf but suddenly she was beginning to feel very old.

For the first time she considered the "what if" in life. What if she never left her family? What if she never met Collision? What if she never followed the charming prince home? Rags to riches was exactly what her story was but right now she felt far too weighed down by the "riches" bestowed on her.

Collision had stepped down. Now she heard it in stone. The words of Cairo always that of fact. A dark male as well as young Chysanthe were both at arms. Chrys was disputing her father, begging Fenrir to forgive Cairo, and generally making Soleil only more confused on how to feel in general.

Cairo spoke tenderly to Chrysanthe. It was obvious, the love he held for her, and the wolf let himself fall. He showed to them all just how frail he had become. The last bit of attention he gave fell on her, Soleil.

"You're well?" He asked her, his face contorting in a way that was painful to Soleil. She nodded in a small way, unable to voice her response. The auburn wolf turned away from her before she could find words. " I know not where collision is...I apologize," the wolf made his escape, leaving the meeting to whatever was left to go on with.

Soleil jumped to her feet calling in alarm after Cairo, desperate to make him hear her. "It's not your fault Cairo! Don't apologize!" Her words were of course insignificant. They meant nothing. They had no effect.

Now Soleil was looking around, eyes hungry for the sight of her mate. No where. Her lips drew back into a very ugly look. It was a mixture of angst, anger, and panic. The female ran from the meeting, bumping into wolves without saying sorry as she normally would. She needed to find Collision. No matter what was happening to Valhalla, no matter what part he had in it, he would always be her rock. She needed him now to ground her.

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