
everybody loses it -


05-27-2013, 06:40 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

Deep within him hid a worrisome feeling that he was loathe to reveal in any capacity. He felt sure that this female would decline his request. From the way she had relayed her plan, it was obvious that she had no intentions for her children to know their father. Morphine was a queen - she was strong willed and determined, she would allow nothing that might be an obstacle to her goals. This left the question hanging silently between them; would she see Seraphim's involvement in the lives of the pups as an obstacle?

Patiently he waited for her reply to his question, watching and listening intently as she replied to his first statement. He nodded after hearing that the bitch had declined the challenge. It wasn't hard to judge that she was a coward, through and through. However, he figured at this point it was best not to comment. They needed to set that topic aside and get to the truly important part of their meeting.

In the silence that fell between statements, Seraphim turned his muzzle skyward. Rain continued to fall in sheets, plastering their heavy coats to their bodies and slicking the ground around them. The weather would suit their purposes well. No one would find them here, no one would know of what was coming. No matter what her reply was, he had promised to help her and he would, but nervousness deep below the surface continued to have an effect. The idea of having children and not knowing them was painful. It was relieving to hear the female's voice ring out again.

Her words hit him as hard as the rain. His upbringing hadn't been the most playful and loving, but it was still far more than this woman intended for her offspring. His parents didn't coddle or show emotion, but he was taught to cherish his siblings more than anything in the world. They were constantly playing when they were young, and once the play stopped and the training started they were still loving toward one another. The idea of his children maiming and hating each other sent shivers up and down his spine. He couldn't bear it, but he also couldn't bear the idea of not being around. He wanted to help teach them how to live and he wanted to see them grow. After a long pause he finally spoke.

Though I do not agree with every part of your plan for their upbringing, I would certainly like to be involved. If I could spend my time primarily teaching the basics - hunting, fishing, things of those sort - and be involved in the less... confrontational training, I would like to do so. He focused his forest green gaze on her, gauging her reaction to his words. As for showing love, you can be assured it will not be an issue. I'm quite capable of keeping my feelings veiled, a lesson from my own parents. He was quite satisfied that she was allowing him a part in her ploy, and he hoped that one day he would see his children grow into strong capable wolves.

Which brought them now to the main business. Seraph rose slowly from his haunches and walked a few paces to allow the blood to flow into his legs once more. He turned back to Morphine, a devious smirk playing on his maw. A darker side of him had taken over in an instant, his eyes so dark in color they were nearing blackness from the change in his spirit. He loitered back, his nose nearly touching hers as he spoke. Shall we?

Tagged: Morphine | Word Count: 605