
A new land, new wonders



3 Years
12-08-2014, 02:12 AM

Sorc always knew what she was thinking. They spent so much time together one might call it unnatural, but it was not as well Karola forced her to stick around. Her pink eyes shut for a moment as she felt the wind through her fur. They had survived harsher, with two of them they had a better chance of survival. Two fully grown wolves at thirty six inches could easily catch enough kill for the two of them even in this winter. After all, she assumed this place had birds, one of her favorite foods indeed. Yet there was still a lot more to explore.

"Acest lucru nu este acasă, dar mă gândeam de a face ceva. Un grup de lupi care urmează codul războinic, dar fac contracte cu cei care au nevoie de ajutor în schimbul de favoruri. Cei care vin în ajutorul nostru va fi bine protejate, atâta timp cât doresc să rămână în grupul care este. Ca acasă, dar nu o împărăție."(This isn't home, but I was thinking of making something. A group of wolves who follow the warrior code but make contracts with those in need of help in return of favors. Those who come to our aid will be well protected, as long as they wish to remain in the group that is. Like home, but not a kingdom.) she explained what was on her mind. It was no harm to try, they could either just be to themselves or other people join them. Just the thought of helping others made her happy, and being payed in a favor, even more. If they were willing to make a contract she'd gladly do anything. Aside from things that broke their code of course.

TAGGED // Sorc/open

sucré @ gs