
you won't feel a thing !


05-27-2013, 07:24 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

Awe-struck was the best way to describe how the story had left her once the description of the Jenova was added. She found herself unable to create an image in her head without being frightened by it. Angeal, you do a wonderful job of telling stories. They're so vivid and descriptive, it's like I'm in them. Her eyes shone with satisfaction as she turned her head to smile at him. The things he was telling her were like nothing she could've ever imagined. We can wait a little while for more stories, I imagine it's exhausting for you. She grinned, not wanting to overwhelm him with her desire to learn more about him and his history.

Gradually Liste had been inching closer without fully realizing that her body was moving. She found herself within inches of him now. Though he hadn't noticed before, there was no way not to now. She flushed, worrying momentarily that he might become uncomfortable. The feeling was pushed to the back of her mind quickly as she realized she had yet to tell him her most important piece of news.

A couple of days ago, while they were away from the den doing their own things, Liste had paid a visit to a nearby pack. She had intended nothing of the visit, but came out with an invitation to join and a deep desire to accept. Something had held her back at the time of the immediate offer though. She knew that she would join but she was reluctant to do so without speaking to Angeal first. After such a short time she had grown so unbelievably fond of him. She hoped that he would want to come with her, and at the very least that he would still want to be a part of her life if he did not join. She knew that now was the time for her to address her thoughts. If anything, it could also provide insight into her questions about his feelings for her.

She took a deep breath and focused her gaze on him. I've been meaning to tell you something. Recently when we were both out of your den, I ended up on some pack lands by mistake. I met with the alphess and I was given an offer to join. She paused, hoping to catch some hint of how he was feeling in his reaction. The pack is so diverse and accepting of everyone and the lands are beautiful, it seemed so perfect. I want to join, but... I would love it if you would come with me. Her gaze fell to the ground at her feet and she pawed nervously at it. I know that you said you might like to join a pack some day, and I think it would be worth it for you to come see the lands and meet the members. If it isn't for you, I still want to spend time with you. I love spending time with you...

Her skin had grown hotter and hotter with every word. She worried that if she continued speaking her words would no longer make sense, so she just trailed off and hoped beyond hope that she would get a positive answer.

Tagged: Angeal | Word Count: 539