
Unsteady Return


05-27-2013, 07:25 PM

The walk was surly putting a strain on her body, but Ookami knew that she would be alright. Her ears laid back as she listened to the dame speak of how she meet Thane.She worked with him, and by her words she enjoyed the time that she did work with Thane."I am glad that you got to meet him Ashoreth." She spoke as her ears pinned to her head listing to the words of another who stood at the boarder.

Ookami turned to look at who spoke, a female who claims to be a healer. This is good that mean Ashoreth can get help much faster. Ookami looked at Ashoreth then back at the one who claimed to be a healer. "If you are what you claim, then please cross over to help her." Ookami said as she stood there looking at the female. She knew she was heavenly pregnant but if this dame tried anything funny she would not hesitate to fight.

Ookami was not the one to trust rouges, but she did not see a threat in this female. It seemed like the dame was there to help and that was it. Oh yes that was it. The pups squirmed with in her belly, this time more active as ever. Ookami sniffed the air and picked up the scent of a rabbit. Her eyes scanned the land, she needed food and her babies were bugging her till she got some. Soon her eyes landed upon a rabbit. Ookami's ears pinned to her head eyes narrowed and she made her way to her target. Once she was in the right spot she took off running, the rabbit put up a good chase before it caught it's death between ehr jaws. Ookami ate the creature fairly quickly.

It was just enough to settle the babies that resided with in her.She then amde her way back to the other two. Ookami did not take her eyes off of the stranger, that belonged to no pack at all.
