
Morg + Migi


12-08-2014, 03:37 PM
Name: Katsuro

Gender: Male

Appearance:    With all the grace of a big cat, Katsuro is careful with how he acts. At 36 inches in height, the size of his mother, Katsuro is no delicate boy. His legs, long and slender, hold the boy up easily. His tail, thick and fluffy, brushes behind him like that of a cat's tail. His fur is hardly ever ruffled in anger or fear. Even if he does ruffle his fur up, it isn't much. Watching the male walk is like watching a cat stalk it's prey, only he is not lowered to the ground. His features are always alert, his eyes narrowed the slightest bit. His ears are pricked, and it's difficult to tell if anything scares him, or makes him mad. His features are a constant stony mask, his eyes showing nothing. Like his face, Katsuro's voice is emotionless, mainly. It is cold and deep, as if he knows no affection.

    Katsuro's base fur color is the black coloring of his mother. It coats him like a cloak, and he would be almost impossible to see during night if it weren't for his eyes or markings. Like his father, he has a patch over his left eye. Unlike it, though, the color is a dark gray, the fur around it neat and sleek. His giant front paws are a white color, like his father's markings. It darkens into a darker gray. The last color is a little lighter than the ashy gray on his eye. His back two paws are simply the ebony of his main fur color. The end of his tail lightens into the same gray that's on his paws, fading until the tip of his tail becomes white.

Katsuro's eyes are probably the brightest thing about him. An icy blue, like his mother's, Katsuro looks handsome with his cold eyes.

Personality:   Although several words could describe Katsuro, the best would be 'feral'. He is constantly darting about, trying to stay away from other wolves. He is a cold wolf, preferring not to get attached. As he gets older, the pup will realize that those he gets attached to will leave at some point. He keeps to himself, barely saying more than a simple sentence. If asked over and over again why he hardly ever says anything, Katsuro will simply get up and move. He won't let his emotions get the best of him, trying to stay that cold wolf even he knows himself to be. He has long since taught himself that bad things happen to those who show their emotions, that don't keep them hidden. He feels them, of course, but never says anything. If Katsuro ever has feelings for another wolf, they're special, because he will make it difficult for anyone to get past his wall. 

Katsuro is also an aggressive wolf, without morals. The creepiest thing is that he shows no anger or emotion while he's attacking another wolf.  If he feels that they deserve it, he will go ahead and tell them in his eerily calm voice. The boy can be harsh at times, not wanting to make a lot of friends. If he gets a good blow in on a wolf, and he tastes blood, it's almost like he tries to get the taste of blood back in his mouth. Although he has never told another, he loves the taste. It wouldn't be surprising if he stalked sleeping animals and killed them just so he could drink their blood.

Katsuro also hates being in sunlight. It burns his eyes, and he overheats too easily. No, he would rather be in the shade or water. Plus, during the day, there's too many wolves out.

Family Relations: Unfriendly, most likely. 

Future Plans: This will probably have to be filled out as I go along. 

Besides him being a vampire puppy, of course. That's gonna cause some wolves to be freaked out.

Other: If needed, I can help buy an extra pup pass.