
Death to Alacritis (Cairo/)



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02-11-2013, 10:37 AM

OOC: [ this can be removed ]

He had woken in the destruction, alarming voices all around, others rushing to grab their lovers, youth, and friends doing their best to stay together. In the Chaos more than a single entity had been lost, too many that just called out to him fell beneath the surfaces. His heart ached watching what was one day to be his crumble. The prince realized that his domain, his haven, after so much promises he would be safe there, was failing to provide. First his mother? Now, he could barely clutch to the heals of Erani as she came for them, urging his siblings out. Epiphron, Chrysanthe, and Eos, they were all there. Neo and Preston, while he had a hard view of them, he wanted them safe, they had become family, his father coming to teach him it was not by blood, but by truth you were family. They were older though, they were able to assist Erani...where was dad?

Time and time again the young prince had asked the questions. Where was his dad? Where were they going? Where they going to live? He was tired, his young body showing signs of just giving up, the muscles were so taught and tired. On top of his fatigued muscles, it was close to the dead of winter, snow would begin to fall, and the winds would freeze his achy muscles, making him numb and seemingly emotionless. Still...where was his father? Did he not realize how painstakingly his family needed him? No..he didn't and that was perhaps what ached the most.

The prince would trail slowly after Erani, his heart yearning to just end this journey...Valhalla was lost...would it ever come back? The young lord would look to Erani upon her daring proclomation, "Will Valhalla survive this, 'Rani?" He questioned, the young boy hoping that she would answer him with what he wanted hear, but knowing that she would, he only prayed it was the truth, and not her lying to guard his heart. Erani was perhaps the closest thing to a family friend they had...her and Cairo had a bond that while not maybe anything surpassing friendship, was as strong as anything anyone had seen. She was loyal beyond comparison of anyone he had met.

He would follow her into the shelter his young body tired he would waste no time in laying down, and comforting himself. His body would slide beside Epiphron, his sister, limbs clambering beside her to draw her near and his head would lay over a paw. Though, slumber would not befall him as easy as it had, he was going to remain stuck, remain waiting for his father to come. He would come. He had to.
