
ever thought of coming down?



4 Years
12-08-2014, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2014, 09:03 PM by Dada.)

Their silence made it much easier for her to ease herself into the presence of the giant at her side. His reply seemed off, an edge in his voice that seemed to hint at something she couldn't decipher. Well, it was no matter. If he didn't want to talk about it, it was fine. She sighed softly once more, bobbing her head in begrudging agreement.  "Maa ṣe dààmú, mo ti ni pato yoo. Bawo ni le ẹnikẹni gbẹkẹle awon ti o lé ogun?"   She muttered, pale brows knitting together in confusion. They were dangerous, that much was made obvious by their near constant calls to war. They could be heard from across the sea, as they fought and claimed their lands. What could possibly make them worthy of her trust? She valued her life, thank you very much.

Her tail twitched where it lay on the sand, whiskey gaze falling briefly upon the titan. What had brought him out here, especially with the climate as temperamental as it was now. There was always the risk of a storm, and she was probably the only one on the island stupid enough to try to come out here. The corner of her lips twitched up, brow rising as well.  " "Nitorina ohun ti mú ọ jade nibi si eti okun?" "She hummed, decidedly curious as to what could have drawn the male out here. Did he enjoy the sea as much as she did? Or was he looking to see what the Goddess' creations were like out in the ocean? Think about it, she wouldn't mind taking a little walk out in the surf. That sounded good. Yes. " "Bikita lati rin pẹlu mi?" " She asked softly, rising to her feet and gazing up at him curiously. It would be good to walk, and feel the sea between her toes. The sand would cling to her fur for weeks after that, but it would be so worth it. 


Thanks Luis for this lovely image!