
i'm coming home



3 Years
12-08-2014, 09:56 PM

Despite everything, Kyarst was home. It would not make up for his abandonment, and it would not erase the painful, aching loneliness that had plagued her heart for so many months -- but she was no longer alone and she felt a slight sense of calm wash over her. Lips would purse as he spoke, frowning at his sarcastic promise that he'd give her two weeks notice next time. Though she was honestly glad he was home, she still felt a bit of rage twisting at her insides.  Since when had she grown so fiery? Even she was surprised at her own ferocity. She'd been a sweet girl as a child, albeit a bit mysterious, but it seem time had changed her into something considerably more intense.

He did not jerk away or retaliate as she nipped at his cheek, which felt rewarding, as though he'd taken a punishment that she had dished out. She did not want to hurt him -- much -- and she pulled away quickly from the sudden attack. Tail continued to flick idly behind her slender frame, still eying him with a bit of wariness.  "I ought to be asking you the same thing," she snapped. Her hazel eyes held a bit of playfulness now, though the fire had been stoked and continued to burn brightly in her stare.  "I've just been wandering, away from here. It didn't feel right without you or father here." Some of the aggression had faded, her voice taking on a far more sweet tone; reminiscent of how she might've spoken to him when they were younger.