

Rune I


5 Years
12-08-2014, 11:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think 
There was nothing cooperative about the wolf that had blatantly disregarded his borders to invade his home, the sanctuary he had created for his family. She did not show the slightest bit of respect for his authority as an alpha, even with him being the very same alpha of the lands she had stupidly crossed into, and made no attempt at appeasing his wrath because of her foolishness. Instead the manner in which she lowered her head was merely one of defense, the look within her two-toned gaze one of challenge, and Rune felt his aggression rise. Once already he had been challenged within his borders, and once was plenty more than enough. 
The answer the woman provided to his clear statement that she was not welcome caused his frosty eyes to narrow darkly, for the growl that he had quieted upon arrival to sound again deeply within his throat while his nose wrinkled at her disrespect. Oh, he had half a mind to charge her right there for her insolence, to attack with no forewarning, no questions asked. Did she think him some weak-kneed, would-be king, a worthless coward who would shrink away at the first sign of conflict? And who the hell did she think she was, assuming somehow that rules, that boundaries, did not apply to her? As she settled her body into a stance more suited for battle, however, his perception altered. Maybe trespassing had not been this scarred creature's intent. Maybe picking a fight had. 
He wanted to take the bait - gods, did he! - but that felt like conceding, giving in. Still, as Akemi showed herself at his side - had she arrived somewhere during his confrontation? - throwing about threats as readily as Rune wished to act on them, he felt himself tense restlessly. As the would-be Sentinel of the pack, Akemi had a right to step in and defend Secretua from invaders, from trespassers and thugs, but he had happened upon this one first. And with his authority challenged to his face, he felt he had more right than anyone to answer it. 
From the side, his daughter approached, her unique coloration identifying her before anything else could. Rune stared at her as she too addressed the troublesome rogue, sensing the undercurrent of irritation and offense in her careful words that lacked in obvious provocation. As much as he would have rather she not dirty her paws throwing herself into skirmishes along the borders of Secretua, he was glad of the way she was willing and ready to defend her home. At the same time, however, he wished she was not here. 
The responsibility the burly wolf felt for his pack was great, and that which he felt for his family even greater. Seeing his daughter voluntarily intercede a rogue on their borders was bold and brave, qualities he knew well made up part of who his little spitfire was, but it was also a dangerous endeavor. And even despite Akemi voluntarily tossing her name into the running for the bid for Sentinel, he hardly wanted her to endure more scars and physical loss than she already had. No, to protect them, as their Guardian, friend, and father, he wanted to initiate the fight himself. Before they could be targeted by this rogue spoiling for a confrontation. 
"There are no options," he growled, "you will leave." He bared his fangs with a wrinkling of his nose that narrowed his vision and offered protection to his eyes, his dark striped tail lashing once before evening out to level with his spine. Just as the insubordinate intruder had, his posture changed, each leg squaring off against the others to render him perfectly balanced while the muscles of his body tensed, preparing for the inevitable. With his neck arched and chin tucked to protect his throat, the dark line of fur on his spine rose as his hackles did, his shoulders rolling forward to bunch fur and skin there along the base of his neck. His paws that itched to propel him forward into the scarred female directly across from him flexed and his toes gripped at the earth, finding purchase there before he finally let himself act. Like a spring released, he allowed his bunched hind legs to propel him forward in an attempted leap to draw nearer to his target before him. 

His momentum he coupled with an attempted shove to the center of the silvery wolf's chest, turning his upper body to the left so that the brunt of the force behind the impact would be dealt from his right shoulder. Conscious of how close this placed his face and neck within reach of his opponent, the grey Guardian made sure to keep his eyes narrowed with the skin bunched around them in a silent snarl and his ears pinned against his head. He kept his chin, head, and body low and legs spaced, braced, for balance, toes still gripping for purchase upon the ground. His tail, still leveled, moved with him in a rudder-like motion to help steady his movements, shoulders still rolled forward, while he attempted to reach down at an angle with opened jaws and land a bite upon his opponent's upper right foreleg, aiming for his lower jaw to catch the inside of the leg and his upper jaw to dig in across the front. 

For the Right to Drag Artemis Off Secretua Territory
OOC: Took him long enough to make up his mind what he was going to do. xP Rounds are only tentative, can be changed to more or less however Aly likes. Rune won't stop the others from jumping in, but he wanted to attack first.