
Gotta get herself away


12-09-2014, 01:00 AM

"Hm," the sound of a single chuckle in his throat let to his sister's answer and grin. He would look down to Varda as the smaller girl arrived eager to help. He gave her a nod in return, eyeing her a little longer with the same grin as when he got here. His gaze turned to Novella once again but was interrupted by the next to arrive. 

Eyes moved to Aslan, and soon to Sorrel who was a distance away. But Novella would begin talking again and so Legend moved his attention back to her once again. 

She spoke of going on a hunt together, and just as she though Legend was thinking of the small group they had for this. He put it to the back of his mind knowing that it wasn't impossible, and he wasn't really one to let the downside take over. He looked to the younger ones to see if they had even more eager faces that they were going on a hunt together, ears listening to the plan as well. 

He and Aslan were to help surround the deer and take it down. Eyes to Aslan and then Novella before standing and waiting for further instructions. Maybe the younger one's may need a little more advice before heading off, but they did seem old enough to know all that maybe. At least Novella told them to steer clear of puncturing themselves.

"Guess it's you and me." He would say with head turned to Aslan and a grin.

Walk "Talk" Think