
All Your Fault [Jail Fam]



5 Years
12-09-2014, 02:44 AM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2014, 02:45 AM by Callisto.)

 Walk | Talk | Think
Like the rest of her kidnapper's family, Callisto had found herself a place inside the confines of the cold, metallic structure to turn into a makeshift den. The large, open spaces did not suit her in the least and while most of it was sectioned off into awkward blocks it was still not confined enough for her. As a private wolf she sought isolation, and as an unwilling mother instinct urged that she find a place suited for pups to live in. Jian's own were well past the earliest stages of development so she knew better than to go seeking advice there, as much as the mere thought caused her lip to draw upward distastefully. In the end, she had settled in something that resembled a broken, empty cabinet on the quieter end of the ship, claiming the awkward alcove as hers and chasing nosy kids out left and right. Lel was hardly any better than his brats. 

It was typically when it got dark that she finally got the space to herself. Though it had been the dark that had gotten her into the mess she was presently still wading through - though her season was likely more to blame - she enjoyed the time she was left alone within it, curling up within her tight alcove and pretending that she was anywhere but here. Sometimes she was within her own den back in Ebony, sometimes beside the lake listening to Max go on about a lesson. Tonight she imagined that she was at the peak of a wide, grassy hill with nothing but stars above her and green vegetation spreading off in all directions. She felt a pang on her side, a sense that she interpreted as a longing for the vision, a longing for her freedom to go off in search of places like that or to at least go home. 

Again the pang struck, more incessant this time, and restlessly the soon-to-be-mother shifted. Damn brats, making her uncomfortable and stopping her from sleep. They were near impossible to live with now, always squirming, always disrupting her time to herself. She was going to be happy once they were-- Ow. In the darkness, Callisto's silvery blue eyes opened and a sense of panic began to settle in. Oh hell. This was it. She was getting ready to have Lel's spawn. 

The pains continued to intensify with each minute and between moments of tense stillness the distressed wolf continued to move about the small enclosed space she had chosen, turning, lying down, getting up, turning again, lying down a different way. Nothing seemed to work, and the pain did not seem to be getting any more tolerable. Her jaws ground together and muffled curses slipped past her lips incoherently as things only grew increasingly worse, and as the pain intensified so did the volume of her voice. The fact it would carry easily within the vessel was entirely out of her mind; she was far too concerned with the fact her body was getting ready to expel the little beasts who were living inside of her. 
Image by Maka.