


12-09-2014, 04:15 AM
                    triangular ears careen atop a descended crown as the intrusive cacophony of bystanders breach her auditory system, diligent pupils pinpointing each daring nymph in turn as they arrive to the aide of their king. amusement flits across her abhorrent countenance in the form of a warped smirk that the elysius directs towards the apparent superior, a singular brow quirking upon her forehead to likewise enhance the wry expression laden upon her facial features. for she is intrigued by the fact that the approaching duo lack so much faith in their monarch that they must collaborate when confronting a lone invader; perhaps he is too incompetent a sovereign to best another on his own and requires assistance. “a king who cannot fight off one intruder on his own is hardly worthy of his crown, no?” the deity ponders aloud, tones entirely neutral -- almost cordial -- despite the malicious intent of her vocalizations. however! their sincerity remains dangerously conspicuous.

but hark! the indignant ragdoll is so abrupt in her petty threats that the tyrant queen’s attention does waver, mismatched eyes immediately locating the imp’s own carmine gaze as if to provoke into action. for it appeared to the elysius that this unimposing lackey had lost much more than she had gained -- likely due to her misfortunate possession of an ignorant tongue. and the phantom queen has more than half a mind to pry it from the insufferable chasms of the nymph’s skull; however, it is the domineering speech of the woman’s king that once more ensnares the elysius’ rare attention. for his urge for physical brutality is nearly palpable, and she { carnage queen! } will be the one to sate the carnal desire that plagues him most.

violet and silver gaze ravages his masculine physique as his stance shifts to accommodate an overwhelming lust for combat, the faintest trace of victory evident in her glacial stare -- for she has successfully goaded him into battle! and her own defenses fall into methodical play as the metaphorical gauntlet is cast downward, the promise of bloodshed thick within the air -- stagnant. skull remains lowered over her broad chest cavity and horizontally aligned with the notches of her spinal column as her ears sew against the contours of her crown, chin tucking precariously to the curvature of her neck as her hackles bristle along the length of her spine and her eyes narrow to violent slits. weight shifts evenly between limbs that have been both spaced equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity as her digits flex and splay atop the grassy turf below, nails simultaneously grappling the ground to offer the deity with better traction and balance. shoulders roll forward and skull draws back slightly to bunch the excess flesh of her neck in a protective halo around her precious jugular veins as the elysius’ lower jaw unhinges from its counterpart, lips likewise unfurling to expose the serrated incisors assembled beneath. finally, the tyrant tightens her abdominal muscles and tucks her tail tightly against her stomach, certain that she isn’t far along enough in her pregnancy to harm her unborn yet cautious all the same. for the king’s subservients may prove so cowardly or uncertain in their monarch’s ability that they could, prospectively, tag-team against her in a ruthless bloodbath. regardless, the phantom queen has no intention of vacating the king’s dominion without committing her own brutal act of sheer defiance.

had the deity not been so engaged she might have sneered at his offensive tactic; with a mere foot of distance lingering between king and tyrant { and accompanied by their head-on angle }, a detrimental frontal assault is merely improbable. and due to a lack of gathered momentum and an insignificant weight difference between she and her adversary, only a light bruise is left to blossom upon the exact center portion of her forechest as a result of contact with the brute’s right shoulder blade. yet as the elysius observes the descending of her opponent’s skull toward the upper portion of her right forelimb, she seeks to drop her own right shoulder blade in hopes of aligning the jagged point of the aforementioned shoulder blade with the male’s gaping jaws so that she may attempt to thrust it into them and against the teeth of his top jaw. her intentions are to thrust her right shoulder blade into his parted jaws not only to jar the mandible in its socket to potentially prevent further effective usage throughout the duration of their fight, but also to hopefully extract or break a majority of the teeth lining his upper jaw [counter attack, damage to rune’s bite pending].

in synchronicity with the attempted shunt of her right shoulder blade into the king’s mouth, the elysius seeks to use the position of her adversary’s lowered skull to her own advantage. slavering { and ravenous } jaws hope to extend towards the king’s countenance; specifically, his right-sided countenance [rune’s right]. with her skull tipped slightly to her own right, the tyrant attempts to pierce through his right eye with her top incisors whilst her mandible seeks to latch upon the area approximately three inches to the right [rune’s right] of her opponent’s right eye. she intends to permanently blind his right eye with the attempted clamp of her jaws -- a suitable punishment for his transgressions against her. meanwhile, the deity allows for her own left forepaw to elevate from its position atop the earth { as her balance shifts between her three grounded limbs to accommodate the loss of stability in the fourth } before she attempts to slam the left forepaw onto her adversary’s right forepaw with the intentions of fracturing its toes. and although the elysius cannot directly place the positioning of her opponent’s targeted right forepaw due to the slight tilt of her skull, she can only assume it is within range of her assault because of their head-on positioning. however, whether or not her presumptions will prove fruitful has yet to be seen.



attacks -- attempt to shunt the point of her right shoulder blade into rune’s mouth and against the teeth of his upper jaw in hopes of jarring the mandible in its socket to prevent further effective usage and hoping, also, to knock out or break the teeth of his upper jaw. simultaneously attempting to tilt her skull to her right in an attempt to pierce his right eye with her upper incisors while her lower jaw seeks to latch onto the outside of rune’s right-sided face, located three inches outward from the right eye. attempting to slam her left forepaw on top of rune’s right forepaw in hopes of fracturing his toes.

injuries -- light bruising to exact center portion of chest, pending damage from rune’s bite.

notes -- confirmed by mouse that rune is approaching art head-on and that rune’s weight is 136 pounds, which is 6 pounds heavier than artemis { hence why i mentioned an “insignificant weight difference!” } also, in my previous post i stated that art was attempting to halt a foot away from rune and it wasn’t denied in rune’s post so it’s correct to assume the distance is, indeed, a foot between them! good luck mouse <3