
No bounds


05-27-2013, 08:56 PM

The man had no earthly idea why he was heading back to this godforsaken place, but almost ceremoniously he would stroll in the direction of the battlefield. It was small wonder he had not been summoned here by some fool-hearted challenger, though Gerhardt was glad that it had not happened yet. Admittedly he had not sparred or fought in some time, and the King was glad to have had so many days of peace so far. He only hoped his streak of luck would continue for a long time to come. Even now as he approached the battlefield the King thought about turning around and going home, but something ? he didn?t know what ? was drawing him into the bloodstained wilderness.

Onward he would go, with every intention of having a quick look around and then going back to his kingdom where he belonged. A smile ghosted on his lips but was soon wiped away. This place was not a place for smiles and kindness. This place was a place of death. The King?s bodice stiffened as he marched over bloodstained soil, the scent of another clear in the air. It was vaguely familiar, but he didn?t think on that much. The likelihood of running into someone he knew here seemed very slim.

It would be then that a familiar bodice emerged before him, cloaked in the familiar colors of his family. It was not Gideon, though the man resembled Gideon very closely. It was not Montrose either, though again.. he was nearly a carbon copy. Themisto? An ear laid back as his brow raised skeptically. Could it be?
