
Like a kick in the face [birthing]


12-09-2014, 11:10 AM
ooc;; Nova then pups. Won't be calling anyone.

She was living in a womb of reefer, drifting in and out of consciousness. This had to be her most brilliant idea ever, eating the cannibis to help reignite her hungar and quell her unsettled stomach. The second half of her pregnant had been easy, living in her den mostly cuddling Nova and then jabbing him instantly for food. She was always hungry. Other then that she simply slept 90% of the time. Maybe pregnancy wasn't that bad. At least that's what she thought until a searing pain ripped through her stomach, arching like white hot fire through her spine and settling in a tight ball at the base of her skull. Immediatly wild red eyes would fly open, startled and shocked though no sound would come out at first. She would glance around nervously only to find Nova. What time was it? She looked outside and it was pitch black, what time was it? Another searing pain and immediately she knew. It was time. She would flip away from Nova, laying so she was on her side with paws facing Nova. Hind paws kicked at him and she groaned and wrapped her paws around her belly. She would not speak, eyes screwed shut and teeth clenched. "Nova... It's time..." She whimpered, wanting nothing more then for these foul creatures to begone from her belly.