
Demons Never Die [Meeting]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-27-2013, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2013, 09:07 PM by Erani.)

Erani watched quietly as more wolves arrived, settled in. There was Rayne. But Preston and Neo were blatantly absent. That made her frown. Preston was Head Healer, so far as she was aware. That meant he needed to be present. He needed to be keeping tabs on the pack. That was his duty. She felt a thrill of pleasure when she saw Soleil making her way into the meeting. It was good to see her up and about at last. The recovery was at last finished. Collision, however, did not show. He wasn?t at Soleil?s side. He was nowhere.

Erani took stock of her litter for a moment, giving Gabriel and grooming lick before looking around again. Her Healer?s side was taking stock of the members. Ashtoreth! She rose to her paws, studying the grey female. Ashtoreth moved with a noticeable limp in one of her hind legs. When had this happened? It didn?t look like she?d received treatment. A soft rumble of displeasure thrummed in her chest. Blue eyes flicked around, seeking Preston. Still no sign of the young male.

Cormalin and Obsidian had arrived and were next to herself and Nova. Castiel had taken a spot against his uncle?s leg, Lyric was nearby. Arella and Surreal had scampered over to Chrysanthe. Finally, the last wolf had arrived. Ookami and Thane. It did her heart good to see Ookami so strong after the bloody birth of her pups. Erani had stepped in, taking the situation into her own paws, when Preston had been absent. That rankled. She had done her best to train him, and now he wasn?t showing up where he was needed.

Cairo began to speak, and Erani?s attention was caught. Valhalla, not a home? Her eyes flicked to her children. His news of her staying without a rank didn?t affect her. She hadn?t expected anything. She only studied him, listening. At least the ranks were easy to understand again. Her gaze turned to the male he introduced. Icarus. She gave the male a long, deep look, then turned her attention elsewhere. Cairo, dying. No matter what he said, or what he did to her rank, the thought of him gone forever was something that made her chest hurt.

Chrysanthe wasn?t taking any of this well. Her voice rose, steady, though there was emotion in her eyes. She would be a strong Queen for Seracia. The thought felt bitter. She should have been the strong Beta of Valhalla. Erani?s eyes met hers as she looked at her. She gave a soft nod. Chrysanthe spoke on toward Valhalla, and Icarus. Then Cairo spoke again.

Erani wanted to go to him. She hated seeing him in pain. In a way, she saw him as both friend and father. She had lost her family at a young age, and he had given her family back in the forma of Valhalla. Himself and Guinevere, his sister, Maya, his own children. He had, in a way, given her Nova. She knew he would never have let Nova be with her if he hadn?t approved of the male. How could he ever be gone? The truth was, he would never be gone. He was in the hearts of those who had loved him.

He saw Soleil. And the shock in his eyes made her wonder what he was thinking. It was he who had said Soleil was dying. And then he left. She started to rise, wanting to follow. But she held back. She sensed he didn?t want company. Aislyn was speaking. Then Fenrir spoke up. Erani leaned quietly into Nova. She had wanted her children to have a good first meeting. Soleil tried to catch Cairo, but the small healer got no response, and flew from the meeting, a desperate air about her. It seemed Collision hadn?t visited the girl even once. Erani gave a huff. She could only imagine what awaited Collision if Soleil found him. She rose, and studied Icarus, waiting for him to speak. The meeting wasn?t over yet. Not until their newest Alpha spoke and showed his worth. What would his plans be for them? Her eyes asked the question in silence.