
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife (Goliath)



7 Years
12-09-2014, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2014, 05:28 PM by Goliath1.)

With such an air of elegance, both shocking for this behemoth animal, though surprisingly fitting for him as well, he moved with grace through the shallow waters connecting the small silver island that coasted so near to the main branch of this tropical setting.  His gaze would linger forward, the great brute showed immense poise and stoic grace as he walked so slowly amidst the shallow, still waters, the salt water causing his skin to tighten a bit, though it was a welcome relief from the lack of rain that had not fallen, failing to replenish the brute's ratted coat and mangled figure.  Thick mane would coat against his shoulders as they pushed slowly one after the other, stirring the soft sands beneath him to carefully flutter about his massive feet, and then settle somewhere behind his trail he so carefully laid out.

Small wakes would wrinkle around his chest, his dial carried low while his lips would hardly ever break the waters surface though only momentarily as a miss-calculated step would cause him to slightly stumble and the bull ring within his nose to caress the still waters, lifting it slightly back out it would drip until dry.  As the shore approaches he felt his gaze close and he surfaced like a shark upon dry land, so elegantly and with a silent effort.  Shaking the droplets as best he could from the majority of his figure he felt the need to push forward into the relief of the island trees, in order to shade his coal colored frame from the sun cascading above, though it's time to set was near, it had always been the warmest time of day.

With a gentle sigh the great brute licked the remainder of salt water from his nose and base of his chin, pink tongue tingling with the heavy taste of salt, causing his bull ring to shimmer.  He hadn't managed to fall into step very far before the scent of another washed across his senses, flooding his nostrils with a pungent call for attention, though he was in no hurry he pursued towards it's origin with heavy steps, already tired from today's ordeals.  His mind wandered with thoughts of his evening plans, though they were cut short when he managed to look upwards only to see the collapsed dame not far before him in a small crevice surrounded by perched ferns and draping tropical plants.  With such casualty he moved towards her, leaving droplets of water to caress the sands beneath his belly and hinds.

"Speech" Thoughts