
If your not really here [Aiko/Ixionn?]



3 Years
12-10-2014, 05:40 AM" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
It had come to his attention that he had lost his potential throne just because of Arian. Hajime, his dear deceased father, had wanted him to become...a leader. Someone who'd guide others, and he thought that Arian wanted that for him, too. But it had come down to this...if he would've known this from the start, he would of immediately mirrored Aiko and yelled at her, questioning her actions. But what good what that do? She wouldn't be able to reclaim her pack, she wouldn't be able to ask Morgana anything about high ranks. Nothing. It shook him to the very core, boiling hot inside of him. But while his young sister was fragile, he wanted to stay strong, for her. She was going through a rough, confusing time as well, and he wanted to help her. Protect her, make sure she would be comfortable in this new place.

The boy had even planned to ask her if she wanted to share his section of the mines, which was a rather quaint cave-looking structure. Crystals and glowing stones littered the walls of his cave, lighting it up like candles. It truly was a beautiful little area...and he's shared it with Drago a few times. But it could fit many more than just him and a little lizard. After all, Drago was gone for the Winter. He and his small sister would be okay here. A small 'nest' made from moss and other soft materials had been created in the back of his area, which he was currently organizing and expanding. He'd been growing and the little nest was getting too small. But, within this kind of weather, finding the very little materials was extremely difficult.

Suddenly, the sound of paws hummed softly in his large ears, and Ixionn turned away from his work, bloody red eyes fixing themselves upon a large male. He consisted of shades of black and grey, with horrifyingly red eyes like his own. He's never seen him within Isokan before Morgana had taken he guessed...maybe another slave she brought to the pack, perhaps? Or maybe a friend of hers? Ixionn growled gently and turned himself back to his nest, arranging the moss around and fixing it to sit nicely. Then, with a satisfied nod, he stood back up and turned to gaze over this man. The masked boy managed to growl again. "A friend of Morgana, right? Have you come to kick me out of my chamber, now, too? Or maybe you've come just to rub it in my face that I'm a slave now?" Ixionn's growls grew louder momentarily, but he tried to relax himself, as he sat back onto his rear and stared at the man with blunt anticipation. 

"Burn Baby Burn"