
Unsteady Return


05-27-2013, 10:19 PM

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Her ability to heal was a gift that she had been given from birth. She had always been compassionate, and every time she got a scratch- she was absolutely enthralled to see how it healed. When she met Ezra, her life changed from that of solitude to finding her first and only friend. Ezra had been years older than the pup, and grumpy and short tempered more times than not, but she had taught Eris everything. When she lost her pups, healing others had become one of her only ties to the world, and her strength.

Her ears perked up as the other wolves turned to address her, the second inviting her across the border to hurt the injured she-wolf. She stepped forward slowly, keeping her posture submissive but confident, she knew what to do for most hurt wolves and didn?t doubt her abilities. Though every hair on her body prickled, her very instincts warning her that she was trespassing, as she approached the pair she spoke.

? My name is Eris.? She began with polite introduction, slowing as she came near the pair. She watched as the pregnant black she-wolf departed and returned a few moments later, her mouth stained with remnants of her first kill.

?I mean you no harm, and if you will allow me to tend to your wounds, I shall be happy to help you.? The words would fall from her lips politely and respectfully, as she titled her head in the air, scenting for herbs. The familiar smell of feverfew greeted her, and she turned her head towards a nearby patch, looking at it thoughtfully. It wasn?t the best painkiller, but it had been known to be helpful if you had nothing else.

Looking at the injured she-wolf?s leg, she spoke again, her voice soft but getting down to business. [b] ?What happened to your leg, and how long have you traveled on it?? These questions were prudent, and could tell her how much damage that may have been done to the injured limb. Remedies and ideas were flowing through her mind, her previous instruction being refreshed in her mind. Taking a deep breath she calmed her fast beating heart, calming her nerves, and her golden eyes would search, flitting back and forth between the two wolves before her.
