
Like a kick in the face [birthing]


12-10-2014, 02:06 PM
It was a relativly easy birth as far as births went, no complications and all that was needed was a little tlc from Mother Nature. Dione would lay back, her whole body tensing and releasing with each contraction. She would not make a sound, not wanting to call attention to others. It wasn't that she worried about their opinions it was simply that she did not want to deal with them. There was a war inside of her, that mothering instinct that told her to love and care for this children and that sensible side that said that they little demons had ruined her body and they needed to pay. Nova would lay down a steady commentary, giving her a 3 and eyes would slowly slip open in an expression that she hoped would tell him that if she wasn't in the middle of pooping some kids out she would probably remove his head. It was over fairly quickly and she was left with three wriggling masses behind her. Slowly she would roll a bit, looking to prop herself on her elbows as two fought to find the warmth of her belly and milk from those disgusting overgrown teets she now bore because of them. One did not really move, simply opened and closed its mouth like a fist out of water. What the fuck was its problem. Nova would ask her not to chuck them off a cliff while he was gone and she would flash him a devious smile. "Fine, into the Rapids it is..." She would coo, leaning down to nuzzle and lick each child individually. They would know the warmth of her voice from birth, not the nasty threats. Not yet... Nova would ask if she wanted to name then and she would frow and then smile slyly. "This one will be Ganja, like the lovely drug that got me through this awful experiance. This one will be Toxin, like the poison you filled me with. And this one will be Necrosis... Who's last name should they bare?" She didn't give her reasoning for its name, not yet. Instead her expression fell as she stared at the boy that was a mix of her and her husband. Novaro... Her eyes would lift and she would look up at his orange gaze. "Do you think they will survive the winter...? That one especially...?" There was a hesitance in her voice, uncertainty as she looked back down at the tiny helpless forms she was not forced to protect.