
Retro (EBONY land claim/meeting)



7 Years
12-10-2014, 05:36 PM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2014, 05:36 PM by Kassander.)

Kassander's auburn pelt shown like newly fallen autumn leaves against the snow as he wandered the familiar land he'd been born and grown up in. Katja's decision to abandon it hadn't sat well with him, but he'd had little time to really think about it until now. When his mother had ruled Ebony, it had thrived. Wolves had flocked to her banner, loyal wolves, wolves who would do anything for her. Ebony had only struggled between times, when she wasn't there. When she was, it was like magic.

He would be the last wolf who'd think Raisa was perfect. He still resented her for leaving to begin with, but she'd had something to her that attracted others, that made people like her, that inspired loyalty. Kassander didn't know if he had that - if he did maybe he just hadn't grown into it yet. Whatever it was that had made Ebony magic before, he needed it now more than he ever had. Maybe returning the pack here, to where it started, would put him on that path.

Coming to a stop before a familiar boulder, one of many but one he remembered clearly from his childhood meetings. Memories flooded him - would they ever return to those days? No... not after all that had happened. Not with Raisa gone, Val gone, Sindri and Sigmarr shadows of their old selves. Not after Virgil had kidnapped he and Svet and destroyed any chance of them being a family again. With a sigh the young alpha gathered himself to leap atop the boulder.

Settling himself, he raised his white-masked face to call out to the pack. Lost in memories of past meetings, his call lacked that note of nervousness that it usually had. Not with the confidence of his mother, nor the blunt demand Katja had always called with, but simply a thoughtful, clear call as Kassander Xanilov claimed this land for Ebony and called the pack together.

"Talk" "You" Think