



5 Years
12-10-2014, 11:11 PM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2014, 11:25 PM by Evelyn.)

It is time. She had followed after her ivory temptress to this familiar territory, as she knew what devious plans her paramour had brewing within her twisted mind. It was time to stir up some excitement in the world of Alacritis, and what better way to start than deliberately trespassing into someone else's home? Their plan to cause havoc was delicious. Slowly the carmine nymph would trail after Art's lingering scent, and as the woman crossed over the borders of another pack, Fia would stop and wait. Hiding beside a large bush she would conceal her carmine pelt from the members of the pack, but surly they could smell her toxic aroma. A few minutes of time would go by before a sound would be heard off in the distance, and she knew it was time to spring into action. 

She wastes no time crossing into the territory, Macro, her wolverine companion, trailing after his master without hesitation. The duo approaches the scene with caution, every step Fiamette takes is silent and calculated. Then, the group comes into her volcanic view. Artemis has attracted a lot of attention, in fact there is a little crowd that surrounds her now. The Sovari tenses as she watches a grey male take a daring step toward her lover, and instantly her defenses fall into place. She will be ready to assist Artemis in her feat.

Volcanic orbs narrow into slits, her ears fold flat against her skull, her lips curl to fully reveal her fangs, her muzzle scrunches into a vicious snarl, and her nostrils quiver as the tension between Artemis and the group intensifies. Hackles raise along her nape and spine, her chin tucks to protect her precious throat, her head drops to align with her spine, and her knees bend slightly to better center her gravity. Her shoulders roll forward, her neck scrunches to better protect the sides of her neck, her weight evenly distributes between her four limbs, her tail raises to align with her spine, and all of her toes splay and flex to get a good grip on the earth. With all of her defenses set into place, she feels it is time to assist her paramour in her battle. After all, this would surly turn into war.

Her eyes would fall upon the male who makes a charge toward Artemis, and immediately the woman would aim to erupt from her position, the power that had been coiled within her back legs propelling the nymph forward. At first her sights are set on the old man, but as another bystander makes a move toward Artemis, her attention is instantly ensnared by this girl, and within a few seconds, her target has been selected. Marco bounds after his mistress, the wolverines defenses set as well, his emotionless black eyes hungrily examining every inch of his new victim. He thinks of a good attack to assist Fiamatte, and decides he will go along with whatever his master decides to do first.  

The woman aims to intercept her opponent before she can can reach her precious paramour. In order to do this, the nymph attempts to close the distance between herself and the girl, her attacks already formed in her devious mind. The girl seems to be going for Art's back legs, so Fiamette aims to slam directly into her right side (thinking this is her exposed side since fia is coming from behind art) where her rib cadge meets the crease of her right armpit. She aims to use her weight and momentum to jut her left shoulder outward and slam it into this crease, her intentions being to severely injure the girl by causing severe bruising by breaking a few ribs. In sync with her attempted body slam/shoulder jut, she splays her jaws wide open and cocks her head slightly toward her left, and she attempts to bite the center portion of the right side of the girls throat. Top fangs aim to pierce the flesh just below her right ear, and her bottom jaws aim to sink into the tender portion of her bottom center throat. She aims to not only viciously bite the woman's throat with an open mouth bite, but she aims to attain a tight grip on whatever flesh she manages to grasp, and violently jerk her head from left to right to cause severe tearing and create an open wound. She also hopes that by attaining this area of the woman's neck, she will not be able to turn her head toward Fiamette to bite her.

In the mean time, Marco has made his decision. As his master makes her move, he makes a move of his own in sync with her calculated movements. As his master bounds forward and toward the woman's right side, Marco swerves toward his left, his eyes locked on the gastrocnemius tendon's region in the girls back right leg.  He makes a sharp turn to turn his muzzle and body toward the woman's heel, and he coils his strength into his back legs, and releases it in an attempt to launch himself into the area between the girls hock and lower thigh. His front legs extend outward, his long and razor sharp claws aiming to grasp flesh so that he can attach himself to her back leg. His right paw aims to wrap around and grasp the flesh right before her knee, and his left paw aims to grasp the flesh on the center inner part of her thigh. His claws aim to sink into her flesh as deeply as he can manage. In sync with his attempted grasp, his jaws splay open and his head cocks toward his right, and he aims to directly bite the woman's  gastrocnemius tendon. He aims to sink his long fangs directly into the tendon, and with a swift motion he aims to jerk his head backward to cause severe tearing of the tendon, which he hopes will cause permanent damage to her back leg to not only cripple her, but render it useless in this battle. 




Attacks: Fia is attempting to use her weight and momentum to slam into Warja's right side, her left shoulder is jutting out to slam into the crease where her ribs meet her armpit. Aiming to break ribs and bruise this area. In sync her jaws open and she attempts to bite the center portion of the right side of Warja's throat, top fangs going below her bottom ear, and her bottom fangs going into her bottom center throat. She aims to attain  a grasp and jerk her head from side to side to cause tearing and an open wound. Marco: Attempting to latch onto the back of the girls right hind leg, launching himself at her and extending his front limbs outward, aiming to grab onto her by using his sharp claws. In sync he opens his jaws and aims to bite directly into the gastrocnemius tendon, then grasp and pull his head back to rip it with his long fangs. He aims to cause permanent damage.  Tendon shown here:

Defenses: Third para

Injuries: None